Canadian Centre for Food & Ecology

Investing in What Matters

Unleashing The Power of Food

At the CCFE, we believe in the immense healing potential of food both to our bodies and the planet.Our mission - inspiring food decisions that nurture people & the planet- including decisions about investing.This is because we know that the shifts needed to improve the resilience and regenerative potential of our agriculture and food system require action at multiple levels. And capital, from many diverse sources, is critical to enable more uptake of ecologically sound practices at all points in the food value chain.

Our Role in this Work

Though it’s not easy to shift the status quo, we know that there is a world of growers, suppliers, processors and retailers who have embraced more ecologically sound practices. They have the know-how and are looking for financing. We also know that there is a growing segment of investors who care deeply about the wellbeing of future generations. They are asking questions about what can be done now to make more of a difference.Our motivation is to help these two groups find each other. We are especially interested in growing the number of investor types who see food as a desirable component of their portfolios - from philanthropy to investing.We want to help them see that making conscious investment decisions in our food system is a powerful response not only to the climate crisis, but also to the mounting pressures on our health system. It is also a pathway to strengthen local economies by investing in locally rooted producers who are committed to restoring nature where they live and producing healthier foods as a result.

Why We Care

How we grow food matters. It matters to taste, to nutrition, and to the health of this planet.Living soil sequesters carbon. Natural growing methods avoid chemical fertilizers that pollute our water and our soil, in addition to the immense carbon footprint of their production. And avoiding pesticides translates to fewer poisons in our food chain and therefore our bodies.What’s more, improving the circular food economy also means reducing waste and the unwanted greenhouse gas emissions that come from food decomposing in our landfills.Despite these truths, our financial system has incentivized the uptake of practices that come at heavy human health and environmental costs and compromise future yields. By mobilizing more capital for regenerative food and agriculture projects, we accelerate the potential of natural cycles to remove carbon from the atmosphere and improve water retention, while also reducing burden on the medical system through improved health. After all, we are what we eat, and most of what is coming from the industrial food system has fewer nutrients than it did twenty years ago and comes with a side dose of bug-killer.

Get Involved

Shifting the dynamics of our food system is the shared work of various system actors: policy-makers, planners, financial services, and the agricultural industry. The CCFE is one type of actor, the match-maker type.Join us and others to explore how we can work together towards healthier foods and a healthier planet at the inaugural Regenerative Food System Investment Forum Canada happening on December 10th.To learn more and register, visit:

Or contact us at:
[email protected]

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The Canadian Centre for Food & Ecology (CCFE) is based in Toronto, Canada. Charitable registration number: 75575 9610 RR0001. Unauthorized use of the CCFE brand identity is strictly prohibited. Please direct all branding inquiries or usage requirements to our Communications Manager. Identity design and website creation by Idea Studio.